Best 7 Bike Riding Tips and Tricks for Beginners

Bike Riding Tips and Tricks for Beginners

Riding a bike can be an exciting experience, but it can also be intimidating if you're new to it. If you're a beginner who wants to make the most of your bike ride and feel confident on any terrain, we've compiled a list of seven helpful tips and tricks that will get you there in no time. So, don't worry – with our guidance, you'll soon be gliding effortlessly and having a blast on your bike!


Table of Contents

Best 7 Bike Riding Tips and Tricks for Beginners

Put on your protective gear

Get acquainted with the bike

Start Slow

Look Ahead

Use brakes properly

Stay Alert

Practice Regularly

Key Takeaways


Best 7 Bike Riding Tips and Tricks for Beginners

๐Ÿน Put on your protective gear

Before you hit the road, putting on the right gear to protect yourself in case of an accident is essential. Wearing a full face helmet is immensely vital to guarantee safety while riding. A good helmet can save your head from injury in a fall or an accident. Additionally, wearing gloves, a thick jacket, and pants made of durable material can significantly save your skin from abrasions and cuts if you fall. Also, wear shoes that cover your feet thoroughly, and if possible, opt for boots with good ankle support. You never know when to put a foot down to steady yourself, and having the right shoes can make all the difference.

๐Ÿน Get acquainted with the bike

Becoming familiar with the bike would be best before you begin to ride. Firstly, sit on the bike and get comfortable. Adjust the mirrors so you can see behind you with ease. Take deep breaths and feel the bike's weight and balance. Once you're comfortable, take your time to know the controls, including the clutch, brakes, throttle, and gears and how they work together to keep your bike running smoothly. If you're unsure, you can ask an experienced friend for assistance in becoming more acquainted with the bike.

๐Ÿน Start Slow

As a beginner, taking slow and steady baby steps is essential. Riding a bike might be stressful, so with little patience and practice, taking things at your own pace is vital. Begin by practicing in a parking lot or an empty road with no traffic. Get used to the feeling of the bike and how it handles, and don't be discouraged if it takes a little while to get the hang of things. Keep practicing until you feel comfortable with the bike starting, stopping, turning, and changing gears.

๐Ÿน Look Ahead

As a beginner rider, it's easy to become fixated on the bike and its accelerator but to ensure that your ride is both safe and enjoyable, there's one thing you absolutely must do: look ahead. Always keep your eyes focused on where you want to go so that you anticipate what's coming up. Whether it's a sharp turn, a pothole, or a car turning in front of you, if you're not looking ahead, you will see it coming when it's too late. So remember to keep your eyes fixed on the road ahead for a safe ride!

๐Ÿน Use brakes properly

One of the most crucial aspects of safe riding is mastering the art of braking. So, here's the deal: always use both brakes simultaneously. But be sure to apply them gradually to avoid skidding. And keep your body upright and avoid excessive bending during braking. It might not be the most glamorous part of riding, but it can save your skin. In case you're thinking: which brake should I use more? The answer is simple: the front brake. It has the most stopping power, but do it gently as applying too much force can cause the bike to flip or lose traction. 

๐Ÿน Stay Alert

When you're navigating the open road, staying alert is a must. Stay focused on the road ahead and be aware of everything around you - cars, pedestrians, and potholes. Also, since rain, wind, and other elements can turn a fun ride into a nightmare, keep an eye on the weather conditions. If it looks like it will rain, suit up with rain gear, and be extra cautious on the slick roads. And the most important one is never to ride while consuming drugs or alcohol as it is perilous, resulting in impaired judgment and slowed reaction times leading to severe accidents.

๐Ÿน Practice Regularly

The more you ride, the better you'll get. Just like any other skill, practice makes you a perfect rider. So, make a habit of riding regularly, even if it's just a quick spin around the road. This way, you'll grow more confident. Ride in different weather conditions, like rain or wind. And when you're feeling brave, tackle new terrains like hills or curves. These challenges will improve your riding abilities and add some excitement to your rides. Keep practicing, keep learning, and you'll ride the bike like a pro soon enough.

Key Takeaways

You'll be a confident rider by following these 7 tips and tricks in no time. Remember to wear the proper protective gear, familiarize yourself with the bike, start slow, look ahead, use brakes correctly, stay alert, and practice regularly. With these tips, you can enjoy the freedom and excitement of riding a bike while staying safe and in control. 

So what are you waiting for? Get out there and start exploring!


  1. What are some essential tips for beginners who want to start riding a motorcycle? 

Essential bike riding tips for beginners include wearing the proper protective gear, familiarity with the bike, starting slow, looking ahead, using brakes correctly, staying alert, and practicing regularly.

  1. What are the safety tips for riding a motorcycle? 

Being aware of your surroundings, avoiding distractions, maintaining a safe following distance, avoiding riding in bad weather or low visibility conditions, and using side lights to communicate with other drivers.

  1. How can I improve my skills as a beginner motorcycle rider?

You can improve your bike skills by practicing in a safe and empty parking lot or space and gradually increasing your speed and distance as your skills improve. Additionally, practicing emergency maneuvers, such as swerving and braking, to be prepared for unexpected situations on the road can significantly enhance your skills.

  1. How can I maintain my motorcycle? 

You can maintain your bike by regularly checking the tire pressure, oil, and brake fluid levels and cleaning and lubricating the chain. Having your motorcycle serviced periodically by a professional mechanic is also essential to ensure it runs correctly and safely.

  1. What should I do if I get into an accident while riding a motorcycle? 

The first step is to stay calm, check yourself and others for injuries and call emergency services if necessary. It's also important to exchange contact and insurance information with other drivers who are involved in the accident and take pictures of the scene.


To know more: 5 Reasons Why Bike Riding In Nepal is so Popular

SOURCE: HH Bajaj Nepal